Wednesday, November 23, 2005

BNI Vancouver

I am please to announce that our BNI Terminal city club was officialy sanctioned today. It is my great pleasure to take on the role as president of the club. I have long thought BNI to be a great organization. With our proactive group of business people in our group we are excited about the future of our new chapter.

Vancouver's business community has always been close knit and I think that BNI is still grossly under-represented in our fair city. I like to consider myself as someone who is well networked and would welcome anyone looking to network in Vancouver to come as my guest to our chapter or to any of the other many events that I am associated with in the city.



1 comment:

J. Keeling said...


BNI will help you and your associates grow as professionals. Almost two years ago I was exactly where you are, taking on the role of president within a new chapter.

Since that time BNI Advantage Group, Hurricane, W.Va., has generated over $300,000 in commerce amongst its members.

There's so much to learn about business networking, and BNI is probably the best means of doing so.

Best wishes,

Jason Keeling